Monday, January 19, 2009


As you can see from my profile, my life is great but what most would consider "normal". I am living the American Dream...I have a great job, a loving husband, a well-behaved and absolutely adorable dog, a house in the suburbs, many wonderful friends and family...I truly am blessed!

So you might ask, "Why have you started a blog?" or "What do you hope to blog about?" Well, aside from the fact that it is my New Years Resolution for 2009, I have realized lately that I am not that great with keeping in touch with many of the people I love the most. I hate the phone, I am on the computer all day for work so I often don't like to write emails in my time off and about 90% of the people I love most don't live in Portland so we can't catch up in person often.

Not to mention that when I do get on the phone or write an email, it is normally just a simple, "How are you?" followed by a, "Good! how are you?" which then concludes shortly thereafter with a, "Well, great catching up, talk to you soon!" There isn't often true stories and experience shared.

I am hoping to blog about daily stories, fun experiences, great tips I learn as I continue to live life, memories etc. so that people will get a little better sense of my life here in Portland and constantly feel more connected to me regardless of physical distance.

Hopefully, a little bit of everything and a little something for everyone...

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