Saturday, September 24, 2011

Alex's First Week

Alex is already over 1 week old...time really does fly when you are having fun. And we have been having a blast! There are such extreme highs of parenthood and while I am learning that is has it's challenges as well, it is amazing how we are able to still find joy in every second of the process.
Some of my favorite things about Alex are:

  • His beautiful strawberry blonde hair

  • His cry that sounds a bit more like a squak (think of a hawk)

  • When he gets the hiccups and he LOVES them!

  • His sideways gas smile

  • His drunk milk pucker

  • How he would rather be streched out then curled up and his super strong neck

  • How he loves his dad's silly voices and noises and they actually work to calm him down

  • The fact that he can already sleep for 3+ hours at night


  1. he is a doll! my favorite is the silly cross eyed look he gives his Godmama :)

  2. He is beautiful and I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying every minute! He is lucky to have you as his mama!
