Here is the story:
At 7:00am on Thursday, September 15th to be induced. After a little IV drama, I was offically induced at around 8:30am. Everything was trucking along nicely. We spent the morning with family and some close friends just hanging out in the hospital room listening to music, chatting and preparing for the little ones arrival. Once folks left for lunch is when I really started to feel the contractions and go into a lot of pain so a few hours laters I got the epidural.
The epidural was a lifesaver and I was able to rest and sleep a lot of the afternoon. I continued to dialate and by midnight I was ready to push. The nurses kept telling me that he was so low it shouldn't be long before he was there...I was prepared for about 20-30 minutes of pushing but nope....2.5 hours of HARD pushing later, Alex made his arrival at 2:36pm.
He is here! Mom and Alex just minutes after he arrived.
Big boy!
Our beautiful family...I am so overwhelmed by our family.
Grandma Russo
Uncle Michael
Grandpa Russo - a little in awww
Great Grandpa Russo and Great Grandma Russo
Grandma Thompson
Grandpa Thompson - 3 generations
You are one loved little boy, Alex! Welcome to the world, my son!
OMG! Erin! 2.5 hours of hard pushing! You are amazing! Great job and congratulations!