Sunday, January 22, 2012

We made it...

We made it through Alex's first week at daycare and he did great! I have to admit, I think I did pretty great too considering I thought I was going to lose my marbles on the first day.

His teachers are fantastic and they take pictures of him and email them to us throughout the day. They have even called me just to let me know everything is going great. So our new routine is coming along nicely.

Here is one of the photos that I recieved in my email inbox on Wednesday from his teachers. As you can imagine, I stared at it far too long and I am sure my productivity at work went down for a bit (sorry Trail Blazers!).

1 comment:

  1. What a happy boy! So glad you made it :) How cool is that the daycare sends you updates, must make all the difference in the world. xoxo
